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Facial Self-Tan

Self-tanning facial booster

7,95 €

    If you like to show off a tanned and luminous face, but you avoid avoid sun exposure sun exposurethe facial self-tanner is your best alternative. Discover our natural facial self-tanners perfect for all skin types.

    What is a facial self-tanner?

    Facial self-tanner helps to tan the skin in a natural, even and natural way.evenly and gradual way, providing a golden and luminous tone to the skin skin, but without without leaving an orange or artificial or artificial. Undoubtedly, the autobronzers are the best option to have tanned skin, without the need forthe need to expose the negative effects of solar radiation.

    Our non-comedogenic facial self-tanner is formulated with active ingredients that help tan the skin while pampering it to make it beautiful, healthy and radiant. skin while pampering it to make it beautiful, healthy and radiant.

    Discover the best facial self-tanner and combine it with Arganour's body self-tanner for a top result.

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